So it's Saturday...Saturday night at that and I'm just now doing a 5 for Friday post :) I'm determined to get it posted while it's still Saturday and it's getting pretty close but I think we'll be okay, haha. I realized I hadn't posted in a while and figured this was the best way to just download what we've been up to. I definitely don't think I'll be able to keep up this frequency when school starts (which is coming WAY too fast for me and not soon enough for Hayden).
And here we go -- why not make it Six for Saturday...
1. Speaking of school and Hayden, I saw her school supply list this past week. She'll be going to the Fair Grove Preschool program 2 days a week this year. She is soooo excited. Not sure she knows exactly what she's in for but I know she'll do great! We're going to take her tomorrow to get some of her supplies. I'm kinda thinking we're asking for trouble though because she has to hang onto them until the 15th of Aug when she starts. Kinda like telling her that her birthday is in 2 weeks...every day at least twice a day we'll hear "Is it almost time?" :) Love her!
2. And then there's my school. This coming week is the last week the girls will be here at the house with me :'( The following week they'll be at the sitter's house full time as I'm back in the classroom, officially starting my time on the 9th with meetings all day. Yuck. I've been going into the classroom at least once a week to start unpacking boxes and putting everything back where ti goes. I'm soo ready for the routine and rhythm of the school year and to be with my new students, just not looking forward to the fewer hours with my girls and feeling pulled in every direction. But, I always manage. I'm very lucky to love what I do and have an amazing school to be at so that makes those downsides sooo much easier.

3. Hayden had a huge achievement this week. We met mom in Bolivar on Wed for Hay to go back with her and stay the night at the farm. What surprised us was that she ended up staying THREE nights!! Willingly (according to mom). I knew she would have a great time but really surprised that she managed 3 nights without having meltdowns missing me. Seriously. She really did have a great time. Sounds like she spent it just like I did growing up...playing outside with the kittens, adventures with Grandma, running around naked, swimming, and being outside all the time. I loved that Dad would send me picture texts and videos.
4. Sweet Abbie sure showed her personality while Hay was at the farm. It was really great to have lots of one-on-one time with her and do some bonding. She is a lovey little one with a determination like something fierce! She is sooo stinkin smart too. We've realized that she's able to follow simple one-step directions (put it in the trash, give to daddy, put it in the box, get your diaper, etc) and is excited to do them. She wants to be involved with everything and so we still hear a lot of squeals and hollering when we don't realize soon enough what it is that she's wanting. She also LOVES music. Here's a video of her new dance moves, spinning as well as a video of her singing. Again, so sweet.
5. Canada... Ethan is gearing up for his last week long trip to Canada for work. He hasn't been there since last fall which was awful planning...he left my first full week of school, and I had a 10 week old Abbie, and the girls were starting at a new sitters. We survived. But this year it won't be as bad. It definitely helps that I'll not be at work yet and wont have to have any schedules or routines (although I neeeed to be getting everyone up 2 hours earlier than we currently are, ouch). This should be his last trip up there so he is going to do a lot more sight-seeing and exploring.
6. And lastly -- we went up to Aunt Shirley's today for a Cantrell get together. Shirley and Bill had been down to Alabama to see Brad and Missy and then had brought Laine back with them. We hadn't seen her since she was little bitty! It was a great afternoon with the Minichs, Hagers, Mildred & John, and then Brian and Haddie (who is super cute!). Hayden enjoyed playing with the girls and Abbie was content to wander and explore and do her best to do it all on her own. We actually were able to get a picture of all the great grandkids that were there with John & Mildred. NINE great grandkids (all girls) and we were only missing one...Morgan. Pretty impressive!'s almost midnight. I think I just might get this posted while it's still Saturday!
Thanks for keeping up with us! And if you haven't "followed" us yet, put your email in the "Follow By Email" box on the right to get email updates or click on the Bloglovin button on the side to get daily updates as well. :) And we always love comments (I say we....Ethan I think doesn't notice them and the girls could care I guess I'm the one that loves the comments, haha.)