Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Is Anyone Out There?

Just checking if anyone has subscribed by email to the blog.  

I thought I had a way of see how many followers I had but I guess not :(

SOOOO if you got an email telling you that I've updated the blog, add a comment letting me know.

AND...if you HAVEN'T followed the blog, 
this is what Miss Abbie thinks about it! 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Weekend

This was another beautiful weekend. It was Memorial Weekend and we spent it back home with family.

Saturday we trekked back to the farm. It will be nice when Hayden understands how far it actually is to Grandma Diddle's and not ask every ten minutes if we are closer. Although her sense of time and distance IS pretty good.  :-)
Flowers for Grandma Rufenacht and Aunt Lena
Heather, Chad and the kids were there and then Dana and Aliza a little later.  Hayden instantly took off to play with her buddy Talyn and Abbie had no choice but to be held by Grandpa, Aunt Heather and Grandma.  She's learning to be content with that...as long as you're moving she's fine with anyone  holding her ;-) . 

Late night campfire included bat chasing
We had a cookout with some of mom and dad's friends. Beautiful weather: windows open, shade, breeze, no swarms of flies, and good food. Then to finish off the night there was   a bonfire with banana s'mores (Pinterest recipe fail, although we have some good modifications in mind for next time).
Sunday we visited Nana and Papa John in Clinton.  Its always great to just be at their house and spend the day with them.  The girls of course passed out on the short trip to Clinton, which was a good thing.  Aunt Shirley stopped by for a bit as well and got to see the girls and we got to hear how cousins Haddie, Laine, and Morgan are doing.  

The girls were more than ready to head back home and fell asleep before we left Clinton.  
She LOVES the baby kittens

Playing some baseball


Friday, May 24, 2013

And Here Come the Videos

I figured out how to upload videos from YouTube (not as tricky as I expected) so hopefully this works.  All of my YouTube videos are now unlisted so Im hoping that you can see these videos if they are posted here.  First one to leave me a comment and tell me whether or not they can watch the video gets a high-five the next time I see them!

This video is of Hayden teaching Abbie about hand washing in an appropriately named song video "You Need to Wash Your Hands"

And this video is Abbie just learning to use her walker 2 weeks ago. She is sooooo close to walking right now. She wants to be up and going fast but still needs a steadying hand.

And lastly, this video is of Abbie's terrible table manners, taken today...May 23, 2013.  I blame Ethan (actually I fully blame Hayden, but she's too young to defend herself)

Alright -- the blog is all up-to-date for the most part.   Make sure you have Followed the blog (type in your email on the right side) to get all the updates and when there's something blog worthy I'll be sure to post it.

Whew - Krista

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Random Family Pics

And the blog can't only be about the girls (yes it can and yes it will be).  Here's proof that Ethan and I have fun too!

Photo Upload... Part 2

In attempts to not flood one post with a bajillion pics (okay, so there is a bajillion anyways but they are split between posts. More for my posting benefit than the reader's)....here is pic post 2!

Photo Upload....Part 1

Photo uploading as promised.... I'm trying to post older ones first, starting with Mother's Day. Most of these haven't been on Facebook or Instagram but if you've seen them already, woohoo, you get to see them again ;-)

Here we are

So here I go again, starting yet another family blog. But this time it's different. Now that this site has a mobile app I can update and post so much easier...in fact right now I'm feeding Abbie some yogurt. (Talented, right). So it may take me 30 minutes to actually make a post, but it sure beats trying to find time to sit down at the computer to type up the post.

I'm hoping to use this blog mainly as a place to download photos help document my girls growing and changing. Because it's happening so fast. So so fast. And I hope to the chili post my youtube videos on here. That will be my project for tomorrow. I've had to change my YouTube videos to private to keep crazies other than yourself from watching the videos of my girls. Call me paranoid. 

The best way to keep updated on the blog is to find the button on the side that says Sbscribe or follow me, and then put your email address on there. It should send you an email update anytime I update the blog! If you have any problems with that let me know and I can manually and do it for you I think.

Comments are highly encouraged and very welcomed and also please let me know if something on the site is messed up or not working properly. also you can expect to have a photo dump on here soon because I already have tons of pictures taken from the summer!
Indepence this post I will leave you with one picture of Abbie. She loves being outside and its very upset because he's there and she's not. 
Happy Thursday!