Thursday, May 23, 2013

Here we are

So here I go again, starting yet another family blog. But this time it's different. Now that this site has a mobile app I can update and post so much fact right now I'm feeding Abbie some yogurt. (Talented, right). So it may take me 30 minutes to actually make a post, but it sure beats trying to find time to sit down at the computer to type up the post.

I'm hoping to use this blog mainly as a place to download photos help document my girls growing and changing. Because it's happening so fast. So so fast. And I hope to the chili post my youtube videos on here. That will be my project for tomorrow. I've had to change my YouTube videos to private to keep crazies other than yourself from watching the videos of my girls. Call me paranoid. 

The best way to keep updated on the blog is to find the button on the side that says Sbscribe or follow me, and then put your email address on there. It should send you an email update anytime I update the blog! If you have any problems with that let me know and I can manually and do it for you I think.

Comments are highly encouraged and very welcomed and also please let me know if something on the site is messed up or not working properly. also you can expect to have a photo dump on here soon because I already have tons of pictures taken from the summer!
Indepence this post I will leave you with one picture of Abbie. She loves being outside and its very upset because he's there and she's not. 
Happy Thursday!

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