What's new at our house:
Me & E
- Yesterday was our 10 year anniversary! Can't believe 10 years have passed already We spent the day with the girls at Silver Dollar City but will be celebrating later this month with a trip to Cozumel.
- We have also decided to run a half marathon this fall at the Bass Pro Shops Marathon Weekend, Nov 3rd and we made it official by actually signing up for it! Eeeeek. But that was on my 2013 'bucket list' so I am super excited.
- I'm on summer break and haven't gotten cabin fever too much (yet) and Ethan is still enjoying his work at Accenture. Thankfully they haven't sent him out of the state in almost a year!
- She continues to amaze me and make me so proud. Not sure we could have gotten a softer-hearted little girl.
- She completed gymnastics for the year and will pick up again in the fall. At her "meet" last month she placed 1st on the floor, 1st on the trampoline, and 1st all around *we might be just a little proud*
- She LOVES all things girlie: dolls, make-up, high heels, dresses and LOVES being outside on her swings and trampoline. The trampoline is a new addition this year and she loves to bounce, and bounce, and bounce, Same with the swings - she can swing herself now yet still wants someone to push her again, and again, and again.
- Her personality is getting stronger...and I'm a little scared. She is definitely full of spunk, she's strong-willed, and determined. Not sure where all of those come from but such a turn around from baby Hayden! She knows what she wants and demands it. Don't get me wrong, she's not high maintenance just maybe aggressive and adamant about it. This sounds contradictory but she is a pretty easy baby.
- She's sooooo close to walking. I thought she'd be doing it by the end of May but not quite. She definitely loves to take off holding onto your fingers though and has taken her first few steps, but never consistent. We're still working on it.
- Since i've been out of school we've been working on signing more. She can do "more" and "all done" and she can say mom, dad, go (for the dogs) and a bunch of gibberish :)
- Still can't believe she's almost one.
- She loves to be doing whatever Hayden is doing and wants whatever Hayden has in her hands. She usually has something hanging out of her mouth that she's been chewing or drooling on. She's a great eater. She loves trying to bounce and loves trying to sit on Kobie.

Surprise Visit from Talyn
Springfield Zoo

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