Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cantrell Cousins

This past month we made a day trip up to Clinton and spent it with the Cantrells.  For the first time (EVER) all NINE great grandchildren were together at Grandpa John and Nana's.  As always, Hayden was reserved for most of the time but eventually warmed up and Abbie was good as long as no one touched her or took her away from us, haha.  It's always an adventure with these two.
But it turned out to be a great adventure - it was great to have the girls all together and for John and Mildred to see all NINE of the girls. And it wouldn't be a Cantrell get together without a photo shoot...it was as tricky to get all nine girls to smile as you'd think. Especially considering that the 2 youngest wanted nothing to do with it at one point or another.

Thankful for family.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Abbie at 1.5 years

Wowzer.  Abbie is 18months!  She has grown and changed so much these past few months.  One of the biggest changes is she has teeth! Her first tooth popped through right at 15 months, the same as Hayden. Her front lower tooth came first, then an upper side tooth and eventually another front bottom and side bottom.  Right now she has five and I'm pretty sure 3 of those all came in at the same time...it was a rough 3 weeks, haha.

She's starting to talk more, definitely mimicking what she hears.  I think I have figured out what she calls Hayden (uh-dah), she clearly says ChiliChili, go, bite, no, mom, da (dad), where go, milk, HayHay, bath and her favorite one BuhBye! We've counted over 35 words. She constantly rattles and chatters, usually at such a loud volume.  I'm thinking that it won't be long at all until she's using her words a lot more and then our worlds will be changed! She's also ridiculously quick at learning routines.  She follows 1 or 2 step directions really well, and it continues to amaze me.  She's still very particular about where things go and always putting things up.  I sure hope that trait sticks!  She also quickly notices when something has moved or not where it's supposed to be.

Abbie still feels (more now that ever) that she is just as big as Hayden. She looooves to be involved with whatever Hayden is doing and honestly thinks she can do whatever Hayden does. And she tries her best.
I have noticed that she's doing things so much sooner and I wonder at times if this is why, from watching and following Hay all the time. In fact, just this week I caught her trying to use the toilet! She had taken off her pants and diaper and was trying to climb onto the toilet.   She also has become really good at using her fork and spoon - mastering cereal even! She definitely is watching us and picking up on everything we're doing

Hayden loves Abbie a lot  and often says it's because Abbie smiles all the time or that she's so silly. And it's true.  She's such a good hearted girl, loves to snuggle often and is learning to be ornery (she must get that from Ethan haha).  She is such a goofball, having learned to fake laugh she tends to randomly throw out a chuckle when you least expect it and then laugh when we laugh back.  She loves to play "i'm going to get you" and "where's Hayden?" or the all time favorite "tickle monster."

I can't believe that it's been 18months already. We're truly been blessed with an amazing little spunk of energy that's full of loving and ornery-ness when we got blessed with Abbie.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My girls

I love my girls.  I love how different they are, how sweet they can be, and how daily they stretch me to be better and stronger. It's not roses all the time but it's the best I can imagine it ever to be.

Hayden. Oh Hayden. She definitely has her bouts of fits but her times of pure awesomeness outshine those rocky times.  She is so sensitive and takes everything personal.  She really wants to be her best and to please everyone.  She takes care of Abbie most of the time and is a great big sister.  She has such a sweet sweet heart.  Hayden loves all things princess, girlie, dreamy and fairy tale-esque.  She is amazing.  She loves to be tickled, to tickle Ethan, to play tricks...oh man does she love to be silly.  The things she finds humor in is funny just within itself.

And she is sooo inquisitive.  Just today, Ethan told me that Hay asked him how we talk...like the physiology of how we speak.  What 4 year old thinks of those things? I wish I could have heard his response but I have no doubt he did an amazing job, teaching her the key points to the vocal anatomy.  She continues to question things around her and grows every day.  She uses her brilliant brain to argue...and most times her logic is tough to beat!  Lately she's also been getting frustrated with her words, unable to say what she means the way she wants to..or frustrated when we don't exactly understand what she means.  It gets interesting around here some times.
She is a snuggler though...that's never changed. She neeeeeds mommy and neeeeeds me right now. Her favorite place is our bed I'm pretty sure, even though hers is perfect it's apparently not as "compy" as ours. She used to be shy, too bashful to even wave at someone she was excited to see.  At the heritage festival she went right up to another little girl and started chatting away and playing.  When she's comfortable with people outside of the home, she is a chatterbox.   I'm not sure if that's part of growing up or being in preschool or just finally growing stronger and more comfortable.  Either way it's amazing to see her blossom. I can't wait to see what else she has in store for us.

And sweet, sweet Abbie.

We used to say "and then there's Abbie..." but now when we say it, it's with a totally different tone.   Within the past few months we've seen changes in her and it seems every time I look at her, she's changing and growing.  I forget how quickly it happens. She's almost past the screeching pterodactyl phase...Ethan's favorite phase (insert sarcasm). It's wonderful to not only see her vocabulary grow but that she can appropriately respond to questions; it makes things so much easier.  She tries singing every now and then and definitely does her best to mimic sounds  she hears.  Sometimes she gets her noises right and it's an actual word.  I can't wait for her to get more words and really tell us what she's thinking.  

She never fails to try to keep up with Hayden, either.  This girl is getting to be too advanced for her age as she follows Hayden and is determined to do just like her.  Abbie is quick to figure out how to do sneak attacks and steal Hay's toys or how to quietly shut herself into Chili dog's kennel and play contentedly.  She's a character.  She has an ornery side and loves to play.
She also gets our humor and loves to be silly with us. I do believe she'll fit right in! Abbie also loves to be outside. I remember Hayden being the same way -- throwing fits because we wouldn't let her go out and then when she did get outside, just wandering happily around the backyard.  Abbie loves the slide though and tries to go up it, unsuccessfully, every time. She almost has the "weeee" part down too as she's zoooming down the slide.

Like I said...it's not all roses but it's remembering these moments and how special these two beautiful girls are that help get us through. I so wish the days were longer so I could cuddle with them more; wish the sun was out more so we could play longer; wish time would slow down so I could enjoy this age, this time, these babies of mine.  My heart overflows with happiness....blessed beyond measure.  No complaints here.

I sure love these girls...

Monday, September 2, 2013

St Louis Vacation

The last weekend before school started, I convinced Ethan to take a road trip to St Louis with the girls.  It didn't take much convincing, just showing him what a piece of cake it would be.  Thankfully, it actually was,  the whole time!   We left Saturday morning, stayed in Westport area, spending lots of time in the hotel's outside pool.  The weather was perfect for it -- super hot!   The hotel had a lake with ducks, which intrigued Hayden.  After she swam we had to explore the whole land and ended up hanging with the ducks for quite some time. 
Then all day Sunday we went to the STL zoo and walked and walked and walked.  We love that zoo!  Hayden was very concerned that the animals wouldn't be in their cages and would get her and she REALLY wanted on the zoo train.  Abbie was just excited to see everything.  The girls really did great at the zoo. They got to see the sea lions, penguins, gorillas and monkeys.  
Afterwards I (again) convinced Ethan that we needed to see the arch.  I know the girls didn't understand the excitement behind it but it was a new adventure nonetheless.  Actually, just finding parking was goin to be an adventure we thought! We spent some time under the arch and trying to show the girls how amazing it is.  I know Hayden will at least remember it and when we go back she'll have some idea where we are.  Abbie just enjoyed FINALLY getting out of her car seat and stroller and being able to roam in the grass.   

These pictures are out of order but still capture our little vacation. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Random Photos

Since I clearly have slacked off in posts...here's a bunch of photos I've downloaded off my phone...with no story to go with them.   

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hayden's First Day of PreK

Holy Moley - Can you tell that school's started back up again? Did I call it or what? Yeah, in the last post, I might have mentioned the foreseen blog absence.  
School starts = no more blogging.  Not sure what I was thinking when I had the brilliant idea to blog and blog often.  So keep it in mind that I forget about the blog...often, but will do my best to continue to update Life in the Cantrell House for those that don't follow on Facebook.  

Speaking of following....don't forget you can sign up to have updates sent to you via email. Look on the right hand side for the spot to do that.  Or you can sign up for bloglovin and follow me there.  : - ) 

Now onto what we've been doing.   When I went through my phone, I actually divided the pics up into 3 posts and will post the other 2 as they get completed.  So these next few posts aren't necessarily in chronological order but first things first....... 

Hayden started PRESCHOOL this year!  Fair Grove schools has a preschool program in the elementary and she goes twice a week.  She loves being at school, but she doesn't love that mommy and daddy aren't there.  I've realized even more of how nervous and scared she gets in unknown environments or around new/different people.  We're working on it. She's only gone 3 times. Loves it by the end of the day, but it takes her up until after lunchtime.  Thankfully, Ethan's able to drop her off in the mornings and picks her up.  

Let the pictures begin:

Meet the Teacher night, delivering her school supplies
The traditional 1st day photo at the front door.  Backpack and lunchbox ready to go!

Gotta show it ALL off! LaLaLoopsy lunchbox and Brave backpack
OOps, out of order. This is from Meet the Teacher

Trying to get the sister picture - it was HARD, but entertaining

Abbie had no idea what we were doing, but as long as Hay was there, she was content. 

And when Abbie finally looks, Hayden gets cheesy.  Of course.
Holding mommy and daddy's hand walking to school -- allll smiles here

Found her seat...you can see the uncertainty setting in

She was supposed to take her picture with Mrs Holliman ... but wouldnt get out from behind me. 

And there you go -- our big girl is finally at big girl school. 
Her favorites:  the big spiral slide at recess, playing with the baby dolls, and eating lunch with her lunch buddy.  I can't wait for it to get easier for her (and Ethan) and she can truly enjoy her school experience.  

Stay tuned....