Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hayden's First Day of PreK

Holy Moley - Can you tell that school's started back up again? Did I call it or what? Yeah, in the last post, I might have mentioned the foreseen blog absence.  
School starts = no more blogging.  Not sure what I was thinking when I had the brilliant idea to blog and blog often.  So keep it in mind that I forget about the blog...often, but will do my best to continue to update Life in the Cantrell House for those that don't follow on Facebook.  

Speaking of following....don't forget you can sign up to have updates sent to you via email. Look on the right hand side for the spot to do that.  Or you can sign up for bloglovin and follow me there.  : - ) 

Now onto what we've been doing.   When I went through my phone, I actually divided the pics up into 3 posts and will post the other 2 as they get completed.  So these next few posts aren't necessarily in chronological order but first things first....... 

Hayden started PRESCHOOL this year!  Fair Grove schools has a preschool program in the elementary and she goes twice a week.  She loves being at school, but she doesn't love that mommy and daddy aren't there.  I've realized even more of how nervous and scared she gets in unknown environments or around new/different people.  We're working on it. She's only gone 3 times. Loves it by the end of the day, but it takes her up until after lunchtime.  Thankfully, Ethan's able to drop her off in the mornings and picks her up.  

Let the pictures begin:

Meet the Teacher night, delivering her school supplies
The traditional 1st day photo at the front door.  Backpack and lunchbox ready to go!

Gotta show it ALL off! LaLaLoopsy lunchbox and Brave backpack
OOps, out of order. This is from Meet the Teacher

Trying to get the sister picture - it was HARD, but entertaining

Abbie had no idea what we were doing, but as long as Hay was there, she was content. 

And when Abbie finally looks, Hayden gets cheesy.  Of course.
Holding mommy and daddy's hand walking to school -- allll smiles here

Found her can see the uncertainty setting in

She was supposed to take her picture with Mrs Holliman ... but wouldnt get out from behind me. 

And there you go -- our big girl is finally at big girl school. 
Her favorites:  the big spiral slide at recess, playing with the baby dolls, and eating lunch with her lunch buddy.  I can't wait for it to get easier for her (and Ethan) and she can truly enjoy her school experience.  

Stay tuned....

Monday, August 5, 2013

August... It's Here

So just in case you didn't know.... August = School starting = back to school = I'm in my classroom.   Which now leads to me forgetting to post on here as often.  But we'll survive, just don't forget about the little old blog :-)
And with that, I wish I had something wonderful to post about today but there's nothing out of the ordinary going on here.    Hang in with the old blog and I'll update as I can.  Today was the girls' first day at Krystal's house so I'm sure that'll be a story to tell!
Happy Monday!